Extend NetCloud

Cradlepoint’s NetCloud Service and endpoints can access network data that third-party applications need to provide higher levels of insights and control.

NetCloud’s extensibility makes this rich data available in a variety of ways to meet user requirements. Whether a turn-key solution, a differentiated general connection/application, or a custom connection is required, NetCloud offers flexibility in making the connections.

Three flexible ways to extend the NetCloud Service are:


NetCloud-Delivered Integrations

Leverage pre-built cloud-to-cloud connections to partner applications where the linkages are built into the NetCloud Service in an app-store approach and based on NetCloud service plans.

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NetCloud Developer Tools

Create custom connections across a variety of use cases using the NetCloud Container Orchestrator (for Docker support), NetCloud SDK, or NetCloud API. Join in the developer community for collaboration and support.

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Partner Technology Solutions

Extend using a partner-delivered application that uses the full range of developer tools and connections to meet a customer requirement.

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Focused Connections

Leveraging Cradlepoint’s position at the edge and in the cloud, typical integrations fall into these general categories.


Cloud / IoT

Connect to major IoT analytics platforms to manage the rich data collected from the Cradlepoint network


Mobile / Telematics

Leverage location and GPS date by connecting into automatic vehicle location systems for more sophisticated analytics


Private LTE

Build Private LTE connections based on Cradlepoint endpoints’ cellular connections


Network / Security

Provide connections for troubleshooting, security, and other network data and analytics to third-party applications to provide better insights and control

Edge Compute

NetCloud Container Orchestrator provides a consolidated framework to build edge compute applications using Docker containers (with support for AWS IoT Greengrass) on Cradlepoint endpoints at scale. Docker containers can be deployed across a group of routers and then managed, monitored, and accessed remotely enabling users to run applications at the edge to support a wide range of use cases such as occupancy monitoring, predictive maintenance, edge analytics, and filtering sensitive data for regulatory compliance.

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NetCloud API

Integrate with enterprise applications using NetCloud’s API allowing cloud-to-cloud application connections. NetCloud API provides access to alerts, logs, health, data usage, and cellular strength and quality data as well as location and GPS. This information can be used to automate configurations and orchestration of your network based on your policy as well as for troubleshooting and other analytics applications.

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NetCloud SDK

Build custom vertical applications securely running at the edge, protected on the device, and deployed through the cloud. Manage, deploy, and monitor custom edge applications by extending or customizing router functionality, providing edge compute, integrating with external systems, or providing additional services or applications using Python scripting with the NetCloud SDK.

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Cradlepoint's Technology Alliance Partners

Extend the NetCloud Service with Cradlepoint’s ecosystem of technology partnerships to include integrated and tested solutions with full confidence. Are you interested in becoming a Cradlepoint Technology Alliance Partner?

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Explore how Cradlepoint can help you unlock the power of LTE and 5G cellular for your network.

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