From the dispatcher who takes the call to the first officer on the scene. From the EMT who sustains life to the prosecutor who seeks justice. Those working in public safety are connected through the lives you save and protect. You are also connected through the tools and technologies you use. How can we learn from those around us? How can we support one another in order to do our jobs as safely and effectively as possible?
5G expands the services and applications available for Public Safety. In this session we will review new technologies from Cradlepoint from new form factors, security to Private Networks that are impacting how Public Safety is able to do their jobs with more information faster. Learn from Cradlepoint, Axon, and a customer.
• New 5G form factors that reduce space and improve performance.
• Expanded security strategy.
• Learn from people in the trenches.
Robin Manke-Cassidy, Cradlepoint, Director Solution Marketing
Jason Johnston, Cradlepoint, Consultant Sales Engineer
Blake Bullock, Axon
Armand Lemoyne, LAPD Sergeant, Innovation Management Division, Tactical Technology Section