Ericsson Enterprise Wireless
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Optimizing First Responders’ Cradlepoint Experience: A Technical Update

September 16, 2021

9:00am PST | 45 min 

Event Description

In-vehicle and mobile wireless connectivity is a lifeline for law enforcement, fire, and ambulance first responders on the frontlines. 

Through discussion and demonstration in this virtual session, our experts show you how to optimize the Cradlepoint experience to ensure that your first responders stay connected – wirelessly and reliably. 

Join us for these mission-critical topics: 

  • Best Practices — Ignition sensing, faster boot-up, SMART WAN selection, design for failover and active-active
  • Enterprise Technical Support — How to access the bench strength of the Enterprise Technical Support Team
  • Configuration — GPS/location services and coverage, and best practices for Wi–Fi and cellular
Speaking sessions
Daniel Dubief, Corporate Sales Engineer – Mobility, Cradlepoint
Jake Smith, Sr. Product Manager – Mobility, Cradlepoint
Jason Johnston, Principal Support Engineer, Cradlepoint