New vehicle and secure IoT wireless WAN devices now available for mass adoption Read more
Ericsson Enterprise Wireless

Wireless edge solutions for financial services built to connect offices, professionals, and IoT

In financial service offices, technology is everything. Only with reliable, highly secure connectivity can organizations rely on the devices and fintech applications necessary to help clients while protecting personal information. Cradlepoint’s NetCloud Service and wireless edge solutions for financial services unlock the power of LTE and 5G routers and adapters that help create flexible enterprise WANs for everything inside and beyond financial branches.


Streamline your network with one solution

Securely connect everything — laptops, printers, cloud apps, and anything else your financial business requires — with one cloud-delivered wireless edge router.


Discover a WAN that thrives 24x7

Use LTE or 5G as your primary or secondary link, along with SD-WAN intelligence, to make sure your WAN connectivity never fails or falters.


Expand how you support clients

From seasonal offices to mobile insurance teams to IoT devices such as digital signs, kiosks, and surveillance cameras, LTE enables you to securely extend services beyond traditional network infrastructure.


Hit the ground running on day 1

Time is money, which is why companies use cloud-configured LTE solutions to get financial service offices up and running on day 1, without waiting for a wired line or sending an IT professional.


Manage everything from anywhere

Deploy, monitor, manage, analyze, and troubleshoot networks simply and securely from anywhere through a single cloud platform — reducing truck rolls, man-hours, and costly downtime.


Ensure data security and compliance

With highly sensitive financial data at risk, businesses choose all-in-one LTE solutions that protect against threats, segment POS devices, isolate IoT devices, and comply with a wide range of regulatory guidelines.

Wireless WAN enables technology-driven financial services

  • Primary wireless small branches
  • Pop-up tax offices
  • ATMs and kiosks
  • Insurance vehicles (disaster response)
  • Digital signage
  • Surveillance cameras
  • Failover in banks

Manage more with fewer resources

Experience cloud-managed wireless edge solutions for financial services that are quick to deploy and simple to manage from anywhere. NetCloud Manager provides full lifecycle management for the Wireless WAN edge, from zero-touch deployment to at-a-glance analytics and troubleshooting — enabling you to do more with fewer resources and truck rolls.

Explore NetCloud Manager

Purpose-built routers for financial services anywhere

Cradlepoint provides purpose-built wireless edge routers and adpaters for every use case inside and outside the office — all with best-in-class LTE and 5G powered by software-defined modem technology. From IoT to traditional office technologies, reliable connectivity is essential for customers and staff.

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Network security starts at the edge

With SD-WAN, direct Internet access, guest Wi-Fi, POS, and the proliferation of IoT devices, network security at the edge is challenging. Cradlepoint provides a unified approach to edge security that delivers compliance, application-level control, real-time threat intelligence, segmentation, and secure device-to-cloud IoT connections.

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More than 32,000 branch, mobile, and IoT customers across 50+ countries rely on Cradlepoint.

Explore how Ericsson can help you unlock the power of 5G and LTE cellular for your network.

NetCloud How to buy