Ericsson Enterprise Wireless

Cellular for Video in Vehicles


Many companies and agencies use on-board video cameras to deter improper activity, provide evidence in legal and insurance matters, and hold staff and citizens accountable. Some organizations also need it for real-time remote visibility during critical incidents. The effectiveness of live video streaming during emergencies relies on constant network availability and sufficient bandwidth with very little latency — all of which can be challenging in vehicles. 


Use an Ericsson solution — including high-performance 5G Ericsson Cradlepoint vehicle routers, preferably with two modems connecting two carriers — to securely connect on-board video cameras. The data can be streamed from the vehicle in real time or stored on the vehicle and offloaded via Wi-Fi at headquarters. 

Using 5G and LTE wireless solutions to enable reliable, high-performance connectivity 


High bandwidth and low latency capabilities

Video streaming requires robust bandwidth and low latency. Our 5G, dual-modem routers with SD-WAN capabilities enable seamless, uninterrupted data transmission from cities and remote areas.


Dual modems

Using two modems featuring two network operators enables seamless failover if one link hiccups. This ensures critical footage is always available, even in remote areas. Stream seamlessly, balance loads to optimize performance, and tap into resilient extra bandwidth with intelligent bonding. Whether your fleet faces video spikes or ever-growing user demands, our dual-modem solutions keep you rolling smoothly.


Manage and monitor connections from anywhere  

Easily take the wheel of network management with NetCloud Manager. This provides IT teams and network administrators with centralized monitoring, configuration, data management, and troubleshooting. Robust dashboards packed with in-depth analytics and insights on connection links and security keep you in the driver’s seat, wherever the road may lead.

Explore more about in-vehicle video surveillance and monitoring


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