Enterprise Wireless Brand Hub

Hello! As you may have heard, our brand is changing. While you won’t find all of the brand changes reflected here just yet, this will be continuously updated as we have new brand information to roll out, so the Brand Hub can continue to be the go-to for what was previously the Cradlepoint brand. 


Learn how to create a polished piece of content or amplify Ericsson Enterprise Wireless brand recognition.

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Download fonts, logos, color palette, and svg icons that you can copy/paste into any document.

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Ericsson brand identity assets

The core elements of our brand are visuals that users experience consistently. We purposely integrate the full Ericsson logo for maximum recognition, predominately use the color “Ericsson Blue”, with the goal of associating “enterprise” to the Ericsson brand.

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Cradlepoint brand foundations

Here you can find all of the Cradlepoint brand elements as we transition fully to the Ericsson brand.


Our voice plays a huge role in strengthening our brand as well — whether spoken or written. Follow these guidelines to learn the proper usage for elements like serial commas, ampersands and em dashes, when to capitalize headlines, and more.

Downloadable Cradlepoint brand assets

Last Update
July 25th, 2024