
Ericsson color copy page link

Version 1.0.0

Color is a powerful tool. The colors a brand chooses affect how it’s perceived on a psychological level, and a carefully chosen and balanced color palette can transform and elevate the user experience.

Primary colors — Ericsson Blue

We have five primary blues, including our Ericsson Blue. The lighter and darker blues expand the tonal range to add visual variety and dynamism to the set. Blue also brings richness and distinction to our visual assets — as a guiding principle for hero photography, color blends, and digital fabric.

Ericsson Blue

Process Blue C/U

  • CMYK 100 25 0 0
  • RGB 0 130 240
  • HTML 0082f0

Ericsson Web Blue

  • RGB 17 116 230
  • HTML 1174E6

Ericsson Blue vs. Ericsson Web Blue

For enhanced accessibility and better contrast, the Ericsson Web Blue is a variant that differs from the Ericsson Blue defined for print and other purposes. We use the Ericsson (Web) Blue specified on this page for all online and digital applications. Any reference to Ericsson Blue for this purpose should be interpreted as Ericsson Web Blue.

Blue tints and shades

We have six accent colors that may be extended with tints (lighter), and one shade (darker), when working with graphics such as charts, diagrams and other data visualizations.

Blue 1

  • RGB 51 155 242
  • HTML 339bf2

Blue 2

  • RGB 102 181 244
  • HTML 66b5f4

Blue 3

  • RGB 178 216 249
  • HTML b2d8f9

Blue 4

  • RGB 0 104 191
  • HTML 0068bf

Secondary colors


  • RGB 15 195 11
  • HTML 0fc373

Green 1

  • RGB 63 206 142
  • HTML 3fce8e

Green 2

  • RGB 112 219 170
  • HTML 70dbaa

Green 3

  • RGB 183 237 214
  • HTML b7edd6

Green 4

  • RGB 12 155 91
  • HTML 0c9b5b


  • RGB 175 120 210
  • HTML af78d2

Purple 1

  • RGB 191 147 219
  • HTML bf93db

Purple 2

  • RGB 206 173 226
  • HTML ceade2

Purple 3

  • RGB 232 214 242
  • HTML e8d6f2

Purple 4

  • RGB 140 96 168
  • HTML 8c60a8


  • RGB 255 140 10
  • HTML ff8c0a

Orange 1

  • RGB 253 163 83
  • HTML fda353

Orange 2

  • RGB 254 186 126
  • HTML feba7e

Orange 3

  • RGB 255 219 181
  • HTML ffdbb5

Orange 4

  • RGB 204 112 7
  • HTML cc7007


  • RGB 250 210 45
  • HTML fad22d

Yellow 1

  • RGB 249 219 86
  • HTML f9db56

Yellow 2

  • RGB 252 226 130
  • HTML fce282

Yellow 3

  • RGB 252 242 191
  • HTML fcf2bf

Yellow 4

  • RGB 198 168 35
  • HTML c6a823


  • RGB 255 50 50
  • HTML ff3232

Red 1

  • RGB ff5b5b
  • HTML 255 91 91

Red 2

  • RGB 255 132 132
  • HTML ff8484

Red 3

  • RGB 255 193 193
  • HTML ffc1c1

Red 4

  • RGB 204, 40, 40
  • HTML cc2828



  • RGB 0 0 0
  • HTML 000000

Ericsson Gray 1

  • RGB 36 36 36
  • HTML 242424

Ericsson Gray 2

  • RGB 118 118 118
  • HTML 767676

Ericsson Gray 3

  • RGB 160 160 160
  • HTML a0a0a0

Ericsson Gray 4

  • RGB 224 224 224
  • HTML e0e0e0

Ericsson Gray 5

  • RGB 242 242 242
  • HTML f2f2f2

Ericsson White

  • RGB 250 250 250
  • HTML fafafa


  • RGB 255 255 255
  • HTML ffffff
Last Update
June 13th, 2024

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